08-27-2015, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
snowball's chance in H E double hockey sticks
Hockey Stick #1 - Million $ home owners
Hockey Stick #2 - Mauna Kea's northern flank protectors
I'm no millionaire; and we do have some mcMansions for sure; I say what I say because of the genuine concern of folks here in Hamakua. We don't have as many VRBO, second home owners, or "let's give Hawaii a try" folks here. Most folks are not transplants like me. We have a LOT of long term locals who keep their eyes and ears to the ground. I am sure I was carefully vetted by my neighbors before I was accepted into the neighborhood. Had I been some A-hole Haole, moochy looser, hairbrained nut job, or mainland ice head I am sure they would have made life difficult for me. Instead, they have made life wonderful, and helped me in fantastic ways. When I leased out the other house on the land, they stopped folks coming up the road, wondering where they were going; happily giving advice when my name was mentioned.
Folks here really look out for each other and genuinely care about the neighborhoods, the keiki, and each other. A perfect example is Honoka'a. When the People's Theater needed to raise 40K for a new digital projector, the town came together and raised 120K; they've built an amazing skate park for the Keiki. Honoka'a is really starting to shine. Folks even look out for the adult day care fellas who wander from store to store. Recently I saw a kid riding his skateboard down the wooden sidewalk. 2 fellas asked him to please not ride it on the sidewalk, he said "OK, sorry." popped it onto his shoulder, the gents said "thank you young man" he replied "no problem."
It really can be like leave it to Beaver here. That's why I doubt homeless camps could work in Hamakua.
We're all here, because we're not all there!
We're all here, because we're not all there!