09-01-2015, 06:15 AM
It has been a busy week for renewable energy and I am very pleased with the direction our very wise governor is choosing to take and that is to reject the HEI/NextEra merger. In doing so NextEra Energy is attempting to sweetened and make the deal more attractive by offering its ratepayers more unsubstantiated savings now 1 billion (up from 60 million) and has added 50 more commitments that we don’t get a chance to study and ask our attorneys' to inspect, yet what are we being asked is to make comments on the amendments . It is obvious that there are many who will see this as a move of desperation and a violation of some legal rule on mergers. Our governor knows what day it is and he knows that Hawai'i is quite capable of applying for loans directly from the Federal Government and is familiar with the RFP process, it is our right being that Hawai'i is outside of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to set our own rules and do business with whomever we please. Our state and counties needs more control over its energy systems and future programs, and take actions to support other companies besides HECO. Energy storage is the perfect complement to solar powered mini-grids because it enables solar, geothermal and wind generation companies to provide dependable, 24/7 electricity. Oh and here is an interesting article that goes with the research we did on “Waste to Wealth” a hydrogen demonstration project was in the news here in Hawai'i. This article will lead to a discussion of hydrogen production, storage and use for our electrical and transportation needs. ***The Big Island is capable of providing all the Hydrogen this state needs. Without the Previous or Nextera's help
Oil is up 26% in three day! hum[]
"Politic is the science of citizenship"
Trump them just for the heck of it
It has been a busy week for renewable energy and I am very pleased with the direction our very wise governor is choosing to take and that is to reject the HEI/NextEra merger. In doing so NextEra Energy is attempting to sweetened and make the deal more attractive by offering its ratepayers more unsubstantiated savings now 1 billion (up from 60 million) and has added 50 more commitments that we don’t get a chance to study and ask our attorneys' to inspect, yet what are we being asked is to make comments on the amendments . It is obvious that there are many who will see this as a move of desperation and a violation of some legal rule on mergers. Our governor knows what day it is and he knows that Hawai'i is quite capable of applying for loans directly from the Federal Government and is familiar with the RFP process, it is our right being that Hawai'i is outside of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to set our own rules and do business with whomever we please. Our state and counties needs more control over its energy systems and future programs, and take actions to support other companies besides HECO. Energy storage is the perfect complement to solar powered mini-grids because it enables solar, geothermal and wind generation companies to provide dependable, 24/7 electricity. Oh and here is an interesting article that goes with the research we did on “Waste to Wealth” a hydrogen demonstration project was in the news here in Hawai'i. This article will lead to a discussion of hydrogen production, storage and use for our electrical and transportation needs. ***The Big Island is capable of providing all the Hydrogen this state needs. Without the Previous or Nextera's help
Oil is up 26% in three day! hum[]
"Politic is the science of citizenship"
Trump them just for the heck of it