09-15-2015, 02:09 AM
Now you pissed me off enough to jump into this blossoming dog fight 007. I am a proud Portagee mutt Haole who seems to follow 90% of the list that Opihikao wrote, as it is just common sense on how to live a stress free, for the most part, life these days by having integrity, pride, and most of all respect for yourself and other beings on this huge rock of a planet, let alone this tiny rock outcropping on it.
It really doesn't matter where it came from (Native American, Polynesion, the Bible, whatever) it all comes down to the right path to follow by all for a peaceful existence free of racism and the associated violence. The "do unto others as you would do unto you" and respectful manners are all on that list, plus quite a few others if you read between the lines.
Edit to add: blew number eight, going to take a walk and release the bad energy.
Community begins with Aloha
It really doesn't matter where it came from (Native American, Polynesion, the Bible, whatever) it all comes down to the right path to follow by all for a peaceful existence free of racism and the associated violence. The "do unto others as you would do unto you" and respectful manners are all on that list, plus quite a few others if you read between the lines.
Edit to add: blew number eight, going to take a walk and release the bad energy.
Community begins with Aloha