09-17-2015, 04:30 AM
quote:AKpilot, you're new here on Moku o Keawe, so perhaps the judgemental statement made here should be overlooked. However, continuing to demean the protestors/protectors shows lack of understanding the purpose.
Originally posted by AKpilot
Good golly I hope this thins the herd. I wonder how many of them drove pollutant spewing vehicles up their sacred mountain to protest. I have also wondered how many of them get assistance from the "evil occupying government."
The Hawaiian ancestors that birthed todays native protesters used the stars and science to find these beautiful Islands. I think they would weep over the protestor's behavior.
Fake ahu's and pule's, smeared feces, threats to scientists. The sooner these thugs get kicked off the Mountain the better. For shame.
We're all here, because we're not all there!
First, the amount of vehicular traffic from tourists and buses far outweigh the protestors.
Further, would it surprise you that the "smeared feces" was done by a "haole" (not part of the protesting group) and that the protestors cleaned the bathroom? Check facts please, not just the propaganda in the media.
As to the Ali'i "weeping", there's lots to "weep" about. To profess we know what they would think is merely personal opinion. Nothing more.
Flippant comments like "fake ahu, fake pule" (no "s", btw) could be perceived as ignorance of our culture. Or worse, a typical response given lack of understanding, and compassion.
Enjoy your new home, and hopefully, the mana that comes with our island. Time may change your current disdain for some of our people. We accept you and others, and ask for the same respect in return.
We shall see how this latest notice from DLNR turns out by the end of day. All of this has been poorly handled by the State/BLNR/DLNR and should not have been allowed to get to this point.
Hewa loa. SMH.