09-21-2015, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by Thunderfoot
I was going to respond to Punatic but now just want to respond to Rob. Wow, Rob, in our defense the topic was the Great Spirit and you allowed 7 pages of discussion about it. No one was not getting along if you read it. we were all actually enjoying the banter, and I am not a boy. I am a woman. Sorry if my speaking up ruffles feathers, just saying none of us thought we were fighting. I thought we were having an intelligent discussion. I very rarely chime in here in this forum because of I rarely see anything I want to comment on, and when I finally do, you misunderstand the conversation and threaten to shut down the thread. This topic does relate to Hawaii because Native Americans first arrived on Molokai long before the missionaries in 1812. So, Native American culture is very relevant to Hawaii, especially since many of our laws apply to Hawaiians. So, the concept of the Great Spirit is relevant to Hawaii because here we are talking about, isn't that proof enough it is related to Hawaii ?
Would you like some cheese for your whine sir?