09-23-2015, 05:43 PM
quote:Aloha, Sir. The tent was the property of the Reinstated Hawaiian Kingdom, not the group (who held vigil for months). Some of the protestors/protectors are "nationals" of the RHK, some are not. The decision to leave the tent was the Owner's call, not the protestors/protectors. Thus, their belongings were taken out, and the tent remained, per the instruction of the RHK.
Originally posted by TomK
Still have heard no clarification why the tent was abandoned and left there opposite the VIS. Anyone know anything? It doesn't reflect well on the MK protesters right now.
RHK could claim "theft", and a myriad of "criminal charges" under RHK "law". (*Disclaimer: not my position, so can't respond to the "who, what, where, why", etc.) There has been no response to date from the State/DLNR/etc., to the correspondence from RHK over the course of the past few months.
Additionally, the media reported (again) "non-factual" information. There has been no "deal" that matters. TMT was not going to move forward (ie. sign contracts, consruction loans, etc.) without knowing what the Supreme Court ruled. That was apparently, allegedly, decided the day of the hearing. Makes financial sense (if you read the documents).
It is my belief everyone is waiting for the Supreme Court ruling. Time frame seems to be (per legal minds) 60-90 days from the hearing date. FWIW.
Either way the ruling comes down, the RHK, the protestors/protectors and the "lahui", will continue the discussion with BLNR/DLNR/UH/State of Hawai'i, etc., in search of resolution. The camp was removed, by the State, but the intent of the years in discussion (and court), and the six (6) month protest on the Mauna stands.
Again, FWIW.
ETA: for clarity.