09-23-2015, 07:47 PM
Mr. Tom, absolutely. No question.
Some of us walk a fine line, and in this instance, I look forward to Christmas (and the Supreme Court decision) [
]. Sir, the law is the law. However, interpretation is what matters.
The miniscule details, at this point, (like this tent business, bloody OHA stepping in a day late and two dollars short, the BLNR/DLNR doing whatever, the UH spinning out of control with "litigation costs", etc.) don't solve the damn problem. Merely contributes to the drawn out process. That is what we are stuck with.
In the end, IMO, there MUST be reasonable conclusion. Personally, I'm working on my testimony for the PUC re: NextEra (Please submit testimony for or against. This is what also affects ALL of us. Sorry for the O/T). A'ole. We need to manage our own resources (as in ALL of us), to preserve and maintain, the aina for generation to come. Period. (Per Kupuna)
TMT "gets it". Others, not so much. Politics is a bitch in heels. (Sorry, wrong language, but truth. Stiletto, btw.[
To bring it back to topic, remove the camp, no problem. Remove the "issue", not going to happen. Again, this is not about "TMT", this is about much, much, more.
Yet, there are some very talented, smart, educated kanaka maoli. Thus, I'm going to start a "Christmas thread", since we're a few weeks away from the holidays. Tired of BS, ready for change, and there is a "huli" (turn of the norm; not verbatim) on the horizon. For all of us.
(Making and packing breakfast/lunch bags for the mo'opuna again. [xx(]. Beats driving it to school daily.)
JMTO. (Tired Opinion)
Some of us walk a fine line, and in this instance, I look forward to Christmas (and the Supreme Court decision) [

The miniscule details, at this point, (like this tent business, bloody OHA stepping in a day late and two dollars short, the BLNR/DLNR doing whatever, the UH spinning out of control with "litigation costs", etc.) don't solve the damn problem. Merely contributes to the drawn out process. That is what we are stuck with.
In the end, IMO, there MUST be reasonable conclusion. Personally, I'm working on my testimony for the PUC re: NextEra (Please submit testimony for or against. This is what also affects ALL of us. Sorry for the O/T). A'ole. We need to manage our own resources (as in ALL of us), to preserve and maintain, the aina for generation to come. Period. (Per Kupuna)
TMT "gets it". Others, not so much. Politics is a bitch in heels. (Sorry, wrong language, but truth. Stiletto, btw.[

To bring it back to topic, remove the camp, no problem. Remove the "issue", not going to happen. Again, this is not about "TMT", this is about much, much, more.
Yet, there are some very talented, smart, educated kanaka maoli. Thus, I'm going to start a "Christmas thread", since we're a few weeks away from the holidays. Tired of BS, ready for change, and there is a "huli" (turn of the norm; not verbatim) on the horizon. For all of us.
(Making and packing breakfast/lunch bags for the mo'opuna again. [xx(]. Beats driving it to school daily.)
JMTO. (Tired Opinion)