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over-the-air TV channels in Orchidland?
If you're in a fringe reception area, you have to do it right, including all of the components between the antenna and your TV. In my area (25 miles north of downtown Seattle). I have a Channel Master 1160A Quantum (VHF, UHF, FM), plus a Channel Master 4228 (UHF), with a CM rotator. Using Radio Shack Quad-Shield RG6 for the entire run, to minimize signal loss. My experience: Shortly after the conversion to DTV in 2009, I noticed that several stations would not come in at all, while others were intermittent. Went though a lot of troubleshooting, including inspection on the roof, and could not seem to find the problem. On the second attempt and with a whole Saturday ahead of me, I was fiddling around with the connections on the back of the TV and happened to knock the in-line signal splitter against the wall. Lo and behold! All of the stations came in strong and clear. I rescanned and was amazed with a full complement of channels once again. Pushing everything back into the entertainment center, the splitter bumped up against the wall and suddenly I was back to having only a handful of channels. Turns out it was the splitter! That was the gremlin in the works. Probably a loose solder connection inside, as these things are made rather cheaply. Drove to Radio Shack, bought a new splitter, and everything has been hunky dory since.


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RE: over-the-air TV channels in Orchidland? - by Todd H - 09-28-2015, 03:04 AM

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