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Helicopter Noise Talk-Story With Onishi this Weds.
Thank you for the information. I've personally called the FAA many times about the tour helicopters. They would always ask what the weather conditions were, the color of the helicopter etc.

Our issue was them cutting across Kaloli Pt from the airport and back. I was told that they're supposed to be at least 1000 ft above but I've seen them flying a lot lower. At times it sounded like they were a lot lower but turned out they were at least 1000 ft high.

As soon as one tour helicopter passed, another one would follow a few minutes behind that one. It was so annoying and I called them often. I don't think I had anything to do with it but it seems the problem has diminished quite a bit. Maybe the tours have changed or they're not getting the same amount of business????

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RE: Helicopter Noise Talk-Story With Onishi this Weds. - by mermaid53 - 09-28-2015, 06:23 AM

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