09-28-2015, 07:19 AM
This is neither a new scenario, nor one that will not be replayed.
It is not the cost of the flotation that is why it is not worn, as most would agree, at this time, how much would the family, friends & neighbors value that equipment??? even more real, when the fisherman was last seen offshore, what would the value be??? It is a tradition thing, if the ones that initially taught this fisherman didn't wear it, odds are the fisherman will not, unless there was a hard life lesson in-between.
I was an safety instructor trainer for years & one of the vital truths is that most people realize the reasons why they must wear PPEs at work (Personal protective equipment)...which usually starts with "the boss makes us". I got many a gear clicking when I reminded my clients that at work they are almost all covered by Workmans Comp....at home??? nope...
When you think about injury as a "lost time incident" at home, and the costs the family will bear, most everyone would wear the proper PPEs (little things like safety glasses when using most tools, flotation near un-guarded water,,, that sort of thing)... if you only thought about the true cost...
It is not the cost of the flotation that is why it is not worn, as most would agree, at this time, how much would the family, friends & neighbors value that equipment??? even more real, when the fisherman was last seen offshore, what would the value be??? It is a tradition thing, if the ones that initially taught this fisherman didn't wear it, odds are the fisherman will not, unless there was a hard life lesson in-between.
I was an safety instructor trainer for years & one of the vital truths is that most people realize the reasons why they must wear PPEs at work (Personal protective equipment)...which usually starts with "the boss makes us". I got many a gear clicking when I reminded my clients that at work they are almost all covered by Workmans Comp....at home??? nope...
When you think about injury as a "lost time incident" at home, and the costs the family will bear, most everyone would wear the proper PPEs (little things like safety glasses when using most tools, flotation near un-guarded water,,, that sort of thing)... if you only thought about the true cost...