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Helicopter Noise Talk-Story With Onishi this Weds.
Originally posted by MarkP

Originally posted by Ino

From Saturday's Herald-Tribune's calendar section;

Helicopter Noise Talk-Story With Richard Onishi this Weds.

Mountain View Elementary
1235 Volcano Highway
Mountain View

When; 6 pm Wednesday Sept.30th

Details; Let Onishi know how unbearable the helicopter noise is and ask him to help get relief......

If the helicopters flew at 1500' over my house, I know that they wouldn't bother me at this altitude and I wouldn't be posting this. But unfortunately they routinely fly between 100-300' AGL or above ground level and sometimes even lower. I have complained to the FAA......

I know that helicopter noise is a real issue so I am not trying to dismiss it out of hand. Generally however I am unsympathetic. Part of it is my personal life experience as a pilot. When I was getting my glider rating in 1979 my instructor related an experience with a local farmer a couple of miles from the field who insisted that the gliders were passing between the barn and the silo, below the level of the silo. He could not be convinced otherwise. He had seen it with his own eyes. In case anyone is wondering, that is complete bull**** unless the farmer was also reporting a crashed glider. So now I am supposed to believe that the trees around Ino's place are such a unique tourist draw that tour helicopters routinely fly BETWEEN them.

Looking back at this thread it would seem that MarkP is "Making stuff up" and then trying to claim other people are saying things they did not.

I hate the helicopters, during the Pahoa lava flow they were constantly going over our house and it meant that night workers in our household could not sleep during the day, our dogs were nervous wrecks, and at times it was so loud you could not do business by phone. But since MarkP. heard one anecdotal story from a biased source (flight instructor who made money from the industry) the rest of us must be liars. In fact he even made up claims and ascribed them to Ino, just to back up his position.

Glad to know he has such factually solid reasons to be "unsympathetic" to the people who have to put up with the noise and lack of privacy that lets a handful of pilots and their bosses make a bunch of money at the cost of our health and well being.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Helicopter Noise Talk-Story With Onishi this Weds. - by shockwave rider - 09-28-2015, 09:37 AM

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