09-28-2015, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by MarkP
Ino said that helicopters routinely fly as low as 100' agl and sometimes lower. Many trees are as tall as 100'. Ino has effectively said that the helicopters fly amongst the trees. The fact that he does not realize the full import of his statement is neither here nor there. The same goes for others who failed to apply simple logic.
Not if Ino lives somewhere that the trees peak out at 40'.
Your twisted logic is that if trees somewhere are as tall as 100', and someone says helicopters fly as low as 100', that they must be saying that helicopters fly in between those trees. That is called a huge stretch on your part, not simple logic, but it served you as a way to put words in someone's mouth, so I guess it is simple logic to you.
The tour helicopters are an industry entirely based on disturbing the lives of everyone on the ground under them. They ignore the rules whenever they can, and then claim they didn't if the people being disturbed don't have absurd levels of documentation. If I cannot complete a call to my bank because the sound is so loud, then they are too low, or the rules are too lax.
People deserve to be able to live in their homes without being bombarded by noise; just because some hypothetical flight instructor supposedly told a tale about a farmer who may or may not exist, does not mean that the people of the East side of Hawaii are not negatively impacted by helicopters every time there is a cruise ship in town. The helicopter companies and their pilots are profiting handsomely by disturbing the lives of people who get virtually NO benefit from the over flights, they profit, we lose the enjoyment of our homes, not a fair deal.