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Helicopter Noise Talk-Story With Onishi this Weds.
AK Pilot and MarkP, you guys are full of it.

MarkP, "buyers remorse"? I've lived here all my adult life, and thats a long time. On Christmas day in '99, we were all enjoying a family brunch at the house, when a tour chopper headed straight for my living room, flying no more than 100' above, as our babies cried, terrified.

these days, it varies a lot. many DO stay above 1500', but many do not. The guys with the "black beauties" do not...ever. complete assholes!

often, while I'm doing my yard work, if they are too low, like 300', I'll give them something to see... an old man's okole!

have you ever been at the beaches on the waikoloa side, and noticed how high up they fly? I guess the tourists in the hotels deserve some peace and quiet, but as for the rest of us, well the wealthy mainlanders really need to see how we live, up close and personal

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RE: Helicopter Noise Talk-Story With Onishi this Weds. - by pohaku_uli - 09-29-2015, 04:12 PM

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