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State approves Obamacare rate hikes
Everyone was quite surprised by how far below expectations premiums were initially. Now that they are going up to be closer to what everyone expected in the first place people are acting like the sky is falling. It isn't. My household will still have a savings in the thousands of dollars per year vs. a pre-Obamacare private plan that provided much less, and had no prescription drug coverage!

Messages In This Thread
State approves Obamacare rate hikes - by knieft - 10-07-2015, 03:22 AM
RE: State approves Obamacare rate hikes - by Iju - 10-07-2015, 09:19 AM
RE: State approves Obamacare rate hikes - by robguz - 10-08-2015, 10:43 AM
RE: State approves Obamacare rate hikes - by reni - 10-08-2015, 02:16 PM
RE: State approves Obamacare rate hikes - by Guest - 10-09-2015, 02:56 AM

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