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Emily Naeole's Proposed Amendments to the Puna CDP


TO: Angel Pilago, Council Planning Committee Chair
And Council Members

FROM: Emily I. Naeole, Council Member

DATE: July 1, 2008

RE: Proposed Puna Community Development Plan Amendments

Following are my proposed amendments to the Puna Community Development Plan:

A. The relocation of the P#257;hoa and Kea`au Transfer Stations:

Page 3-15, Section 3.4.3: Public Safety and Sanitation Services
Delete Action Item “g” and accordingly renumber the remaining action items in this subsection.

Page 5-21, Section 5.3: Implementation Table
Delete Item “(G)” under Section 3.4.3 and accordingly renumber the remaining action items in this subsection.

Justification: Locations of existing transfer stations are satisfactory.

B. The proposed County Historic Preservation Commission:

Page 2-4, Section 2.1.3: Historic, Cultural, and Scenic Resources
Delete Action Item “a” and accordingly renumber the remaining action items in this subsection.

Page 5-18, Section 5.3: Implementation Table
Delete Item “(A)” under Section 2.1.3 and accordingly renumber the remaining action items in this subsection.

Justification: Ordinance 08-42 was adopted on April 11, 2008 and establishes a Hawai`i County Cultural Resources Commission that provides for the goals and objectives of this action item.

C. Low-interest loans on a sliding scale for housing repair and renovation:

Page 3-13, Section 3.3.3: Social Services and Housing
Delete Action Item “h” and accordingly renumber the remaining action items in this subsection.

Page 5-21, Section 5.3: Implementation Table
Delete Item “(H)” under Section 3.3.3 and accordingly renumber the remaining action items in this subsection.

Justification: Rather than low-interest loans, the county should provide tax credits or incentives for this purpose.

D. Wastewater treatment in Puna:

Page 3-15, Section 3.4.3: Public Safety and Sanitation Services
Add Action Item “j” to read:

“j. Support the funding of an Environmental Impact Statement to determine the feasibility of constructing a wastewater treatment facility to service Puna Makai.”

Page 3-15, Section 3.4.3: Public Safety and Sanitation Services
Add Action Item “k” to read:

“k. Provide tax credits to Kapoho residents who convert their existing cesspools into aerobic treatment systems.”

Page 5-21, Section 3.4.3: Implementation Table
Add Action Item “J” to read:

“(J) Prepare an EIS to determine the feasibility of a wastewater treatment facility in Puna Makai.”

Page 5-21, Section 3.4.3: Implementation Table
Add Action Item “(K)” to read:

“(k.) Provide tax credits to Kapoho residents who convert their existing cesspools into aerobic treatment systems.”

Justification: The County must address Puna wastewater issues.

E. Use of the existing P#257;hoa Fire Station:

Page 3-17, Section 3.5.3.c: Parks and Recreation
Second bullet item regarding the P#257;hoa Regional Park currently reads in part:

“P#257;hoa Regional Park: (1) Convert the existing fire station into a senior center with certified kitchen for congregate meals program and activities/dining room.”

Amend Section 3.5.3.c (1) as follows:

“P#257;hoa Regional Park: (1) Convert the existing fire station into a One Stop Community Center providing, but not limited to, a senior center with certified kitchen for congregate meals program and activities/dining room, and linkages, support and advocacy for affordable housing, employment, home bound access, child care, teen pregnancy, substance abuse and domestic violence intervention. ”

Justification: This combines the proposed language of the Puna steering committee and the social services working group for the best use of this centrally located building.

F. County acquisition of agricultural lands:

Page 3-9, Section 3.2.2: Agriculture and Economic Development
Delete Objective Item “c” and accordingly renumber the remaining action items in this subsection.

Page 3-11, Section 3.2.3.o: Agriculture and Economic Development
Delete Action Item “o” and accordingly renumber the remaining action items in this subsection.

Page 5-20, Section 5.3: Implementation Table
Delete Item “(O)” under Section 3.2.3 and accordingly renumber the remaining action items in this subsection.

Justification: The business of agriculture is best left for the private sector. The County can encourage agricultural use of lands with tax incentives and special projects.

G. Protection of fallow agricultural lands:

Page 3-9, Section 3.2.2: Agriculture and Economic Development
Amend Objective Item “k” as follows:

“Protect quality agricultural lands, especially fallow agricultural lands, through purchase or lease by County, State or community land trust[s], and provide long term leases for community use [or with tax incentives for farmers.”

Justification: The business of agricultural is best left for the private sector. The County can encourage agricultural use of lands with tax incentives and special projects.

H. Establishment of HCC/UH-Hilo satellite campus in Puna:

Page 3-12, Section 3.3.2: Social Services and Housing
Add Objective Item as follows:

“(h) A Hawai`i Community College/UH-Hilo satellite campus is established in Puna.”

Page 3-13, Section 3.3.3: Social Services and Housing
Add Action Item as follows:

“(k) Encourage the State to pursue establishment of a Hawai`i
Community College/UH-Hilo satellite campus in Puna.”

Page 5-21, Implementation Table
Add Action Item “(K)” under Section 3.3.3 as follows:

“(K)” Encourage the State to pursue establishment of a Hawai`i Community College/UH-Hilo satellite campus in Puna.”

Justification: Satellite university and/or community college campuses in the Puna District will make the pursuit of higher education more convenient to rural residents, and lessen commute times for students, faculty and staff.

I. Maku`u as a Community Village Center

Page 3-5, Section 3.1.3.c: Land Use Pattern
The second bullet item to be amended as follows:

“Community Village Centers shall provide a more limited range of services in smaller existing urban settlements and in large subdivisions that are experiencing the greatest rates of build-out; namely at `#256;inaloa, Kurtistown, Maku`u Homesteads, Mountain View, two or more locations in Hawaiian Paradise Park, and at Volcano; and”

Page 3-6
In Figure 3.2: Proposed Town and Village Center Locations, add a red dot, representing a Community Village Center, to the map in the location of the existing Maku`u Farmer’s Market.

Page 5-16
Add the following:

“Maku`u Community Village Center

The Maku`u as a Community Village Center includes the site of the Maku`u Farmer’s Market along with the existing and planned Hawaiian Homestead subdivisions makai of Highway 130.”

Justification: The community is already establishing this area as a village center by holding widely attended weekly farmers markets here. The Maku`u Farmer’s Association has plans for a community and cultural center, and a comprehensive health center similar to the one that exists in Wai#257;nae on O`ahu.

J. Maku`u Farmers Market intersection with Highway 130

Page 4-11
In Figure 4-1: Proposed Transportation Corridor Improvements, denote the Maku`u Farmer’s Market intersection with Highway 130 with a red dot. The market entrance is on the makai side of the highway just south of the dot for `#256;inaloa Boulevard.

Justification: These improvements are necessary for the area to be developed into a Community Village Center.


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Emily Naeole's Proposed Amendments to the Puna CDP - by Tiffany Edwards - 07-03-2008, 04:10 AM

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