11-13-2015, 04:11 PM
Pyrethrins are sold for use on cats for flea and tick control. Since people can't follow dosing instructions, or worse yet used dog-strength potions on cats, we quickly found out that cats and pyrethrins don't always mix.
Like this article says: "Flea and tick shampoos or collars specifically labeled for cats are safe to use." ( http://www.vcahospitals.com/main/pet-hea...cats/10988 )
(I worked at a humane society for many years and we would...cautiously... use such products on cats. Since then, a dozen or so safer products have come onto the market. And a few of those that were labeled for cats, are no longer labeled for cats).
All that being said, unless you allow your cat to eat your clothes after spraying with Sawyer Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent, I highly doubt your cat would be at risk from such a minimal exposure.
Like this article says: "Flea and tick shampoos or collars specifically labeled for cats are safe to use." ( http://www.vcahospitals.com/main/pet-hea...cats/10988 )
(I worked at a humane society for many years and we would...cautiously... use such products on cats. Since then, a dozen or so safer products have come onto the market. And a few of those that were labeled for cats, are no longer labeled for cats).
All that being said, unless you allow your cat to eat your clothes after spraying with Sawyer Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent, I highly doubt your cat would be at risk from such a minimal exposure.