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Draftsperson ----- help me.
You can draw up your own plans. You would need to have an architect stamp them. We work mostly with Robert Smelker, he's an architect. He is here in Hilo every Friday for people to come and ask him questions and give him plans to review and stamp. He lives in Honolulu. I have copied below the information that is needed on your plans when you submit them to the county. When I was trying to design my place, I used 3D Home Architect 4.0 Deluxe. It's really easy to work on floorplans with this software, but I didn't know how to show the framing correctly and don't know much about that sort of thing. I took my flooplan drawing to a drafter. I won't recommend her, since I wasn't fully satisifed with her work. She sounds the same as what is described here but I don't think it is the same person. This same software is now called Chief Architect, check them out at - they are up to version 10 now. My software was from a friend and outdated. It's really fun to play around with this stuff yourself though. The following is copied from and will tell you what you need to do to get a permit:




To erect a new building or structure (including fences and animal shelters over 6 feet in height and towers).

* * NOTE: Swimming pools and retaining walls more than 3’-0" in height. Water catchments regardless of depth or capacity

To relocate, demolish, repair, alter, change the occupancy, or make additions to an existing building or structure.

To erect a factory-built structure.

To erect or install energy saving devices (solar systems, wind towers, etc.)

Temporary tents, booths and shelters for special functions, fairs, carnivals, religious and similar events needs approval from the Building Official. Temporary permit (letter form) is required for these structures.

Work exempted under Section 103 of the Uniform Building Code (primarily related to work in public ways, public utility towers and poles, mechanical equipment for utilities, and hydraulic flood control structures).

Temporary construction sheds and temporary construction fences when permits for construction have been issued.

Reroofing work and installation of siding to existing exterior walls which will not affect the structural components of the walls for Group R-3 and M Occupancies.

Temporary tents or other coverings used for private family parties and for camping.

Home television and radio antennas supported on roofs.

Awnings projecting up to 4 feet and attached to the exterior walls of buildings of Group R-3 and M Occupancies, provided that such awnings do not violate the provisions for "yards" in the Zoning Code.

Wallpaper or wall covering installations exempted under Section 4201.

Repairs which involve only the replacement of component parts or existing work with similar materials for the purpose of maintenance, and which do not aggregate over $1,000.00 in valuation in any 12-month period, and do not affect any electrical or mechanical installations. Repairs exempt from permit requirements shall not include any addition, change, or modification in construction, exit facilities, permanent fixtures, or equipment. Specifically exempted from permit requirements without limit to valuation are:

1. Painting and decorating.

2. Installation of finish floor covering.

3. Cabinet work for R Occupancy not regulated under Section 513 of the U.B.C.

Work performed under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government and/or located on Federal property.

Detached decks or platforms less than 30" in height above grade.

Playground equipment.


Building Division of the Department of Public Works, County of Hawaii, located at 101 Pauahi Street, Suite 7, Hilo, Hawaii. Office hours are 7:45am to 4:30pm, Monday thru Friday (except holidays).

Permits may also be applied for at the Building Division’s branch office at 75-5706 Kuakini Highway, Suite 109, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Office hours are 7:45am to 4:30pm, Monday thru Friday (except holidays).


Two (2) sets of construction plans for residential type structures. Three (3) sets of construction plans for all other structures.


Plans shall be drawn to scale and shall be blueprinted or drawn clearly and legibly on paper. Plans shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed as well as compliance to all construction regulations.

A plot plan showing location of proposed building and all existing buildings, distances of building or buildings from each other and from property lines, and the sewer system (cesspool, septic tank, etc.) location. Plot plan shall be drawn to scale with all measurements of the property noted and properly identified by tax map key number. The street name, address where available, and name of legal owner, and/or lessee, tenant, shall be indicated.

A foundation plan showing the layout and dimensions of the foundation. Details of piers, footings, posts, sills, joists, and concrete slabs, etc. shall be shown.

Roof framing plans (top view showing rafters, hips & valleys) & pre-engineered truss details.

Framing plans for each floor level should show the following: layout, dimensions, and member sizes.

Floor plan (for each floor level) should show the layout and dimensions of all rooms, doors, windows, cabinets, built-ins, electrical installations, plumbing and heating fixtures, attic access, smoke detectors, etc. The use or occupancy of each room or space shall be indicated. Floor area tabulation shall be noted separating major floor area from accessory floor areas; i.e., carport, garage, open lanai & patio, etc.

Sufficient exterior elevation plans showing the following elements: walls, roof, doors, windows, and other items affixed to the exterior of the structure. Sufficient interior elevations clarifying the appearance or construction of built-ins (counter, cabinets, etc.).

Structural plans should show the following: sections through the building (or portions of the building), details on connections, method of framing, etc., indicating heights, dimensions, member sizes and type of connectors.

Lateral Force Details:

Call out the Exposure (B, C or D) to wind loading.

Diaphragms – call out plywood thickness, span rating and nailing requirements. Specify installation method if other than Case I (see Table No. 25-3-1).

Shear walls – show location and widths, call out type and thickness of sheathing, nailing and bolting requirements and strut and chord details.

Complete Load Path – specify the type and amount of connectors and fasteners.

Other information to clarify drawings or to show compliance to other regulations (i.e. stairway details, built-ins, fireplace details, window and door schedules, room finish schedules, energy calculations, etc.). Stamping of plans or calculations by a professional engineer or architect shall be in accordance with applicable regulations. Verify with permit clerk for stamping requirements.

Electrical plans should show the following: site plan, floor plan, circuits, one-line drawing, etc. (NOTE: For residential type structures, electrical plans [one (1) set only] shall be submitted together with the building permit plans. These plans should be submitted only after the issuance of the building permit.)

Plumbing plans should show the following: site plan, floor plan, isometric drawings, etc. (NOTE: Plumbing plans are not required for residential type structures except for requirements under Item D., above.)


All plans and specifications authentication shall state, "This work was prepared by me or under my supervision." Additionally, it shall bear the authorized seal or stamp of the duly licensed professional engineer, architect, or landscape architect licensed with the State of Hawaii and under the seal or stamp, the authentication shall state, "Construction of this project will be under my observation" and signed. (The professional engineer or architect required to stamp the plans and specifications is indicated in the parenthesis following each situation.)

When the valuation for a single-story structure exceeds $40,000 or $35,000 for two-storied structures. Regardless of valuation, when three or more storied structures and those with post and pier foundations. For residential (R-3 occupancy) and accessory (M occupancies) type uses when floor area exceeds 1300 square feet of residential area or 1800 square feet of total area. (STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT)

Regardless of valuation, when the principal structural members of a building consists of reinforced concrete, concrete masonry or structural steel or when a wooden structure is on a post and pier foundation. (STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT)

Regardless of valuation, when truss spans for roofs exceeds 30’-0" and for pre-engineered trusses. (STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT)

Retaining walls more than 5’ in height (ARCHITECT, STRUCTURAL OR CIVIL ENGINEER)

Swimming pools of depths more than 3’, per HRS (ARCHITECT, STRUCTURAL OR CIVIL)

Water catchments, (except for doughboy type or similar), regardless of depth & height, per HRS (ARCHITECT, STRUCTURAL OR CIVIL)


Structures located in flood areas. (Refer to County Flood Regulations and Engineering Division for surveying and engineering requirements.)


Plans shall be presented to the permit clerk at the Building Division to assure that submittals are complete. Submittals may be rejected for incompleteness or when information is unclear or illegible.

Obtain a BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION from the clerk and fill in applicable information requested. A separate application is required for each building or structure. (EXCEPTION: One permit may be obtained for a dwelling and its accessories, such as fences, retaining walls, pools, and garages.)

An electrical permit application with plan and a plumbing permit application shall accompany building permit applications for structures located in flood areas, solar installations and for those structures commencing prior to obtaining a building permit.

Present the completed application and plans to the clerk. After review of submittals, the clerk will indicate on the permit application the required agencies necessary to review and approve your project.

YOU are responsible to obtain approvals (dated signatures) from each agency as indicated on the permit application as described in Item C., above.

After receiving approvals from all agencies, return your submittals to the permit clerk. A detailed review by the plan reviewers of the Building Division will be made. Depending upon the type of work proposed (see Special Inspections lists), you may be required to employ special inspectors for the project. Additional information may be required by the plan reviewers to ascertain code compliance. You will be notified when your submittals have been approved.

After your submittals have been approved for issuance of a building permit, a fee (see item G.) will be required. The permit clerk will then issue your BUILDING PERMIT PLACARD, TO BE POSTED AT THE JOBSITE PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, together with your approved plans and your copy of the approved building permit application.

The fees for dwellings (R-3) and accessory (M) occupancies only shall be: $20.00 per 100 square feet of R-3 floor area, and $10.00 per 100 square feet of M-1 floor area. Fees for all others shall be accordance with the following table:



Up to $500 $10
More than $500, to & including $2,000 ($10 for first $500)
* Plus $1.50 per $100

More than $2,000, to & including $25,000 ($32.50 for first $2,000)
* Plus $7.50 per $1,000

More than $25,000, to & including $50,000 ($205 for first $25,000)
* Plus $6 per $1,000

More than $50,000 ($355 for first $50,000)
* Plus $3 per $1,000

* * NOTE: * Cost per unit or fraction thereof.


Under the provision of the Uniform Building Code, a permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void when the work authorized is not commenced within 120 days from the date of issuance or when the work authorized is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work has commenced for a period of 120 days.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: (808) 961-8331 - Hilo Office or (808) 327-3520 - Kona Office


Messages In This Thread
Draftsperson ----- help me. - by punagirl - 01-22-2006, 09:48 AM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by mella l - 01-22-2006, 11:05 AM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by punagirl - 01-22-2006, 11:27 AM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by punagirl - 01-22-2006, 11:29 AM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by HADave - 01-22-2006, 12:59 PM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by nanasohana - 01-22-2006, 02:41 PM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by jdirgo - 01-22-2006, 02:58 PM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by emily - 01-23-2006, 04:25 PM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by Rob Tucker - 01-23-2006, 06:51 PM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by HADave - 10-11-2006, 12:57 PM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by Kapohocat - 10-12-2006, 09:04 AM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by robinhugh - 10-12-2006, 10:06 AM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by David D - 10-12-2006, 02:21 PM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by Hotzcatz - 10-12-2006, 03:12 PM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by G. Leis - 10-13-2006, 09:58 AM
RE: Draftsperson ----- help me. - by toucano - 10-13-2006, 12:08 PM

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