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What type of critters live at your elevation?
Aloha- Not that I am a expert on any creatures,but when we visited in aug-05 I was really facinated w/ the Gecko. What a wonderful creature. So elegant,and cute. Now the couple that we rented our cottage from had a little book of "rules" in their home one of which said "If you see a Gecko kill it and flush it down the toliet" I was like-what? They are supposed to be very good for bugs and such.Am I not correct. And I could never bring myself to squash and flush such a cute little thing.One of the first nights we were ther I woke in the early morning to use the restroom and screamed bloodey murder at the site of a pretty large Gecko under the window seal in the restroom. It did it's trademark pose and scurried under the window. Now I think it's must have lived there for some time as big as it was and I don't think many tourists staying in that cottage have the had the heart to flush it. The owners claimed that did not like the poop.OH well poop or cockroaches?? Hummm? I think cleaning tiny droppings over giant ,flying, hovercraft cockroaches is my cup of tea anyday...Lisa

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RE: What type of critters live at your elevation? - by LMMinica - 01-24-2006, 09:44 AM

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