01-26-2006, 12:47 PM
I'd venture a guess that this soon won't be the only airline flying direct to Hilo. according to the Tribune-Herald there were 3,483 building permits issued in 2005, 3,113 in 2004. I don't think it's too out of line to say maybe half were issued in Puna. At just 2 persons a household, thats over 3,200 people moving here per year. The boomers are looking to retire to a warm paradise and Florida & the Gulf Coast have lately turned to hell on earth, so living on an erupting volcano is becoming less frightening and more appealing to many.
Edited by - leilaniguy on 01/26/2006 16:53:21
Edited by - leilaniguy on 01/26/2006 16:53:21