12-16-2015, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by pahoated
Roundabout only affects south Puna. Home sales were for all of Puna. Large part of HPP has the same zipcode as Pahoa, how websites are sorting data.
As usual, the roundabout going in is what the people of south Puna wanted. They lead their lives going around in circles, never seeming to get the right direction, then flying off into tangents. This is great for the children to see math in real life conditions.
Hey peeps, its happening. Deal with it. If you want to indulge in anxiety gorging, think about Phase II for the shoulder expansion, probably going to start up next summer.
"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
Hon, just so you know, most everyone here reading knows your post is a projection of you,yourself and how you perceive the world, the bad side of the world at that, going in circle. I feel for you, get some professional help and join the living.
For the record:
Lower Puna is home to many absolutely wonderful and stellar people, I would know because I meet them often: astronomers from Mauna Kea, retired pres of UH Hilo faculty, a retired top meteorologist from the Pentagon who taught me how to read the skies, numerous retired professors from all over the USA, I don't have time to list the retired scientists who were at the top of their field who currently live in Puna.
Here are a few of my current neighbors:
A software engineer who works from his home, a writer, 2 artists who exhibit worldwide one currently at the Smithsonian, several millionaires and one billionaire have vacation homes nearby, 4 retired medical doctors. I'm stopping here but I could go on for days about the amazing folk who live in lower Puna.
Not sure what is your motivation for insulting such a great percentage of the population. Is it because you see a few harmless homeless folk on the streets or is it because what I think it is: You want to scare all the newcomers away and keep it all to yourself?
That's not so bad because I would prefer the population would not boom around here again, once was enough.
But Ted for the record you are way out of line and should know better than to generalize as you do in such a negative fashion in an area housing some of the most amazing folk on the planet.