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Cop shooting in Hilo 2 ...Tue Walmart parking lot
Punatic 007
"I feel deeply for these poor kids, the Walmart and McDonalds shootings."

38 and 29 are not "kids". Those are the ages of adult men who are old enough, and mentally mature enough, to connect actions and consequences. These are not cases of "kids" making poor choices, maybe their lives of crime started off that way, but a whole series of conscious decisions got them to those parking lots and early deaths at the hands of police officers.

I feel sorry for the officers who were forced into taking 2 lives to protect themselves, their coworkers, and the public, I feel sorry for the guy who was shot at Honoli'i and the people in Kaumana who were shot at in their truck. I do not feel sorry for either of the deceased, these two both consistently acted in ways that endangered others, right up to and including their final acts.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cop shooting in Hilo 2 ...Tue Walmart parking lot - by shockwave rider - 02-11-2016, 11:27 AM
RE: Cop shooting in Hilo 2 ...Tue Walmart parking lot - by dmbwest - 02-11-2016, 11:37 AM

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