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Cop shooting in Hilo 2 ...Tue Walmart parking lot
Originally posted by PunaMauka2

"What Ted doesn't understand is his precious local culture is failing the kids horribly. Where were the good role models in the family and community?"...etc.

We seem to be getting carried away with the sweeping generalizations on either side, don't you think? We should be more than familiar and unsurprised by pahoated's usual bluster. Responding in kind by widely associating "locals" and local culture primarily with ingrained welfare dependency and fraud along with "ghetto" and lack of education is more of the same, a derogatory stereotype mischaracterizing a very wide swath of people. Time to grow a little?

Edit to add quote.

Same could be said about your predictable condescension. IF you think this is not a heavily welfare dependent area you live in a sweet little bubble.

Stand in line at Malama or Target and count the majority of able bodied shoppers using EBT. When children grow up in a family that thinks it deserves free groceries every day at the expense of other peoples hard earned money, what message do you think that gives the kids? Never read any studies about welfare upbringing and the theft/criminal correlation?

It's a huge problem here and yes most of the criminals are locals.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cop shooting in Hilo 2 ...Tue Walmart parking lot - by dmbwest - 02-11-2016, 11:37 AM
RE: Cop shooting in Hilo 2 ...Tue Walmart parking lot - by Punatic007 - 02-11-2016, 12:24 PM

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