03-26-2016, 08:12 AM
Was he ever on them?
Punatics who worry about the failure of an expensive waterborne ferry system are another malahini meltdown waiting to happen. Hawaii dumped the Superferry just in time. The cost of space based interisland transport is about to drastically decrease when the marijuana grow and dispensory operations open their doors. Everyone knows hemp oil byproducts, properly extracted, can be formulated into a stable but super powerful rocket fuel. It's the stuff that will really get you high.
Kona is already a spaceport. As is Kalapana. Add Kahului, Honolulu, and Lihue, and you have the start of a sub-orbital transportation system between the islands that will take passengers to their destination in minutes not hours.
Don't cry for the Superferry 20th century Punaticular ostriches with your eyes glued to a hole in the ground. Thankfully even Punatics won't be able to smoke up all the dispensary grown weed, and other Hawaiian residents can use the volatile oils to really fly. Earth based transport is about to go the way of the Dodo, buggy whip, and other remnants of our past found only in museums.
In the time it took for you to read this post, you could now be on Oahu in a super hemp powered Hawaiian LavaRock-et.
"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
Punatics who worry about the failure of an expensive waterborne ferry system are another malahini meltdown waiting to happen. Hawaii dumped the Superferry just in time. The cost of space based interisland transport is about to drastically decrease when the marijuana grow and dispensory operations open their doors. Everyone knows hemp oil byproducts, properly extracted, can be formulated into a stable but super powerful rocket fuel. It's the stuff that will really get you high.
Kona is already a spaceport. As is Kalapana. Add Kahului, Honolulu, and Lihue, and you have the start of a sub-orbital transportation system between the islands that will take passengers to their destination in minutes not hours.
Don't cry for the Superferry 20th century Punaticular ostriches with your eyes glued to a hole in the ground. Thankfully even Punatics won't be able to smoke up all the dispensary grown weed, and other Hawaiian residents can use the volatile oils to really fly. Earth based transport is about to go the way of the Dodo, buggy whip, and other remnants of our past found only in museums.
In the time it took for you to read this post, you could now be on Oahu in a super hemp powered Hawaiian LavaRock-et.
"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves