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Some GMO Labeling Starts July 1st
Pretty cool, eh? Even though Hawaii could have put some teeth into the issue, though to date has wimped out, Vermont pulls it off. I am way grateful.

Will it make a difference? I suspect it will change the industry completely. After all putting a poison symbol on food will seriously effect their sales. And nobody can claim that isn't why the GMO industry has fought so hard to prevent the labeling in the first place. They know that a large percentage of people feel that GMO crops are poisonous but have been too weak willed to do anything about it. But once they see it graphically all bets are off.

On a similar note Russia and Putin, as have been reported here:

have become very outspoken on the matter. It's amazing to me that we, the good ol' USA, have coward to the petrochemical companies at all cost without seemingly caring one bit about the health and welfare of our citizens. Especially here on the production side in Hawaii where with our ocean boundaries we have ecosystems that are actually able to be preserved if only we had the will to do so.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Some GMO Labeling Starts July 1st - by Obie - 03-27-2016, 09:38 AM
RE: Some GMO Labeling Starts July 1st - by dakine - 03-27-2016, 10:18 AM
RE: Some GMO Labeling Starts July 1st - by Obie - 03-27-2016, 04:08 PM
RE: Some GMO Labeling Starts July 1st - by dakine - 03-28-2016, 03:26 AM
RE: Some GMO Labeling Starts July 1st - by PaulW - 03-28-2016, 09:32 AM

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