04-06-2016, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by gypsy69
Some of us tax-payers may not want to support businesses like club evergreen, my family and I certainly don't. Club evergreen is known to be one of the best hostess bars or clubs(not because of the food) in the entire state of Hawaii, also its the last to close most mornings at 4:00a.m.
It may continue to be Very hard to make good moral or ethic decisions in hawaii. Especially if our elected leaders continue to look the other way, while spending our money in these kind of sleazy establishments,jmo.
Good article gypsy, here's an excerpt about hostess bars in honolulu:
“I represented a Korean woman working in a hostess bar,” says Hanusz. “She was arrested in an enforcement raid. She wasn’t charged criminally, actually she was not even working at that bar, but she was asked for identification, and all she had was a Korean passport.”
Hanusz says the woman was sent to the federal detention center and held without bond. After a phone call from another attorney, she found an interpretor and asked the Korean woman the details of how she made it to Honolulu.
“Turns out that she came here through Mexico on a raft through the Rio Grande,” she adds. “Red flag number one–that’s not how Korean women typically enter the US.
“That was her trafficker’s third attempt. Previously, she’d tried coming through Canada. She was coming to Honolulu to work at a hostess bar, but she did not know that was going to involve sexual services. She paid a recruiter a large amount of money. Here’s another example of a debt-bondage situation.”