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Greggor Ilagan sings Billy Kenoi's praises
Originally posted by HiloPuna

Given your awareness of legislative process (I'm especially impressed by your knowledge of the arcane) as expressed in the "Blank Geothermal Bill...." thread also on this forum I'd like you to develop your statement;

"....As for the Senator, his record at the Capitol stands well as a first term official with some excellent bills of substance passed...."

I like Russell. However I have to ask, to which bills are you referring? In the context of this thread I would have asked the same question of an Illagen supporter who attributed similar credit to him. I happen to think he's a member of a credible majority on the council, but I am not aware of any significant bills he has authored and led to passage.

Nor with Russell, to this point.

Thank you, but I am just a political/legislative junkie of sorts...

Ruderman was the primary introducer of the Farm to School bill that was signed into law, as was the property insurance bill. He also co-introduced legislation prohibiting discrimination against medical cannabis patients and a wastewater bill that allows counties to approve of composting toilets for areas not connected to city systems, both signed into law.

As Ag chair he passed out several excellent bills including bio-security loans, good ag practices program, hydro electric facilities for farmers, and bills that paid for repair/maintenance of neglected irrigation systems that are used by many communities as their only water supply.

There are more bills that he was an introducer on that were signed into law. a quick search of the legislature website shows bills signed into law relating to Autism, highway safety, prisons, energy response and food security, consumer protections deceptive practices,highway safety,community based renewable energy, and a host of others, but would require some additional looking into that I don't have time or the inclination to do right now. Maybe late on a Sunday night sometime...

It's all there for those truly interested in knowing at the Leg website.

Edited for typos, and probably didn't get all them ...

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RE: Greggor Ilagan sings Billy Kenoi's praises - by Anxious Messiah - 04-19-2016, 01:01 PM

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