03-02-2006, 01:01 PM
HEY Dave! We go to Dr. Mina at the East Haw. pet clinic because unlike the vet in Kea'au he is can do x-rays and the full deal. Also so far he hasn't allowed my terrier to fall off of the examining table. A quick f.y.i. in the strange things dogs eat department, last summer I spent over $500.00 testing my dog for everything under the sun and thought I was going to have to get him put down because he was acting downright crazy! We tried puppy downers, full blood work-up, x-rays (hence the change to Dr. Mina Dr. V doesn't have an x-ray) you name it. He walked like he was drunk, ever seen a dog stagger UP the stairs? Come to find out he was getting wasted on rotting mountain apples and probably a few fallen papaya!! So if Bowzer gets weird when there is a lot of fruit on the trees, try monitering where he eats first. Le$$on learned!!! P.S. He's fine now and back to our lovable Bear. pj