05-26-2016, 05:10 PM
Judge Amano is a very good choice to handle this matter. Her non-disclosure of the Imiloa membership (which means nothing), and now, her non-disclosure of being a mediator in a case the UH is involved in, is miniscule in comparison to the challenge at hand. Such a damn shame. Amano is a fair, reasonable, "take no crap" from anyone, kind of judge. Dakine may be right, given the UH's latest move. Auwe!
Pahoated, you hit the nail on the head. LOL at the Samson and Delilah reference. Oh, and Ige isn't "in his sound proof safe room", he was at Sig Zane's here in Hilo having lunch the other day discussing Mauna Kea (yea, in the back room, but not soundproof...lol).
Given the Supreme Court ruling, amongst other challenges the UH/State of Hawai'i (and now, TMT) faces, my focus now is on the master lease agreement, and the upcoming negotiations.
The PUEO group are good people. Very good people. Both sides have valid arguments given the lack of lawful "due diligence" on the damn State of Hawaii's part, (BLNR, DLNR, UH, OHA, etc.). Yes, seven (7) years of trying to finagle the law again, results in this kind of political posturing. Sadly, pitting Hawaiians against Hawaiians seems to be the never ending modus operandi.
The continued accusations towards the "protectors/protestors" (which are not all accurate in my view) is counterproductive. If all sides would just listen to each other, and find common ground.
Both sides are going to drag this damn thing out, without sound direction (except from the lawyers and "game players"), which will result in a loss for all of us, in the big picture.
Again, this is not only about TMT. It is far more, much of which entails valid concerns for the future. Hell, the State auditor's reports speaks volumes! Management? Please. [!]
The damn State screwed this up royally, and we all are going to end up paying the tab, again. Sad state of affairs. SMH.
Pahoated, you hit the nail on the head. LOL at the Samson and Delilah reference. Oh, and Ige isn't "in his sound proof safe room", he was at Sig Zane's here in Hilo having lunch the other day discussing Mauna Kea (yea, in the back room, but not soundproof...lol).
Given the Supreme Court ruling, amongst other challenges the UH/State of Hawai'i (and now, TMT) faces, my focus now is on the master lease agreement, and the upcoming negotiations.
The PUEO group are good people. Very good people. Both sides have valid arguments given the lack of lawful "due diligence" on the damn State of Hawaii's part, (BLNR, DLNR, UH, OHA, etc.). Yes, seven (7) years of trying to finagle the law again, results in this kind of political posturing. Sadly, pitting Hawaiians against Hawaiians seems to be the never ending modus operandi.
The continued accusations towards the "protectors/protestors" (which are not all accurate in my view) is counterproductive. If all sides would just listen to each other, and find common ground.
Both sides are going to drag this damn thing out, without sound direction (except from the lawyers and "game players"), which will result in a loss for all of us, in the big picture.
Again, this is not only about TMT. It is far more, much of which entails valid concerns for the future. Hell, the State auditor's reports speaks volumes! Management? Please. [!]
The damn State screwed this up royally, and we all are going to end up paying the tab, again. Sad state of affairs. SMH.