06-05-2016, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by opihikao
Aloha mai SHARKritz. Below is a free link for Hilo and Puna scanner (both Police and Fire dispatch):
(There is also another thread here on PW that provides some discussion. FWIW.)
P.S. Radio Shack has several choices; I have the "PRO528" model (from the dinosaur ages...[] Under $100.00), however, holds 1000 channels. This model provides full island coverage (incl. police, fire, marine, Civil Defense, etc.), and if wanted, Oahu, and Maui, too.
Thanks for the link! I think my dad is more of a gadget guy, so giving him a link (although cheaper, ha!) would not entice him. It sounds like the scanner you have is on the same lines of what I am looking for! Not too terribly expensive, yet provides full island coverage. Will see what I can find.
Oh! And I found the previous thread on scanners. Thanks for the info!