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What's killing the reefs and diminishing our fish?
Sorry to get a little off topic here. I am of the opinion that, if we can get the bribe money out of politics as a nation, many of the problems we have will be fixed.
Overturn Citizens United. Make public financing of political campaigns. Make ALL political donations illegal. Make it illegal to accept political donations. Make the penalty jail time and fines for both sides, the politician and the person trying to bribe them. The government would supply each legitimate candidate the same amount of money. When it's gone, you are done spending on your campaign. Limit the amount of time before an election campaign could begin, by when the feds dole out the money.
This would end the open market we have today, where you can walk down the isle and choose your politician to buy on the open market.

End PACS, Super Pacs, lobbyists.

And that would end corporations from giving huge amounts of money to buy influence to, say, continue to poison drinking water by fracking in the US. The oil companies could not keep bribing politicians to deny global warming. Those of you that are anti gun, no more could the NRA bribe politicians. And on and on. This step would end a trend that is a bigger danger to our country than isis, terrorism, etc, etc.

And, yes, maybe we could end the destruction of coral reefs, the pollution of the ocean, etc etc, as our leaders would no longer be showered in dirty money to deny these problems exist.

Not so many politicians would get into office to get rich, as the corporations and people that are making them rich could no longer legally do that. Maybe a Koch brother or two (or fill in your own corrupt wealthy bribemaster) in prison would show we mean bussiness.

Take the big money out of politics, so we can make decisions based on what is good for the country, the people, and our planet, and not make these decisions based on filling up our bank account.

On a personal note, our son in laws old chocolate lab, that has been living with us for about a year, had to be put down yesterday. She was 13 years old. He moved to Oahu to work, and could not take Koa with him, so we volunteered to take her in. She was a wonderful old girl and never caused any problems for us. She'd greet us when we came home, follow us all around our property, bark when a stranger came by, get really excited when our little grand daughter came over. I found out that Koa would visit our really great neighbors once or twice a day, as they would see her, and give her a dog biscuit or two, which kept her coming back.

We miss you Koa. Rest in peace.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP

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What's killing the reefs and diminishing our fish? - by Guest - 06-07-2016, 03:45 PM
RE: What's killing the reefs and diminishing our fish? - by birdmove - 06-08-2016, 03:26 AM

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