06-09-2016, 03:15 AM
Originally posted by imagtek
Climate change is caused by people....
Thank you for saving me some time - you are, IMHO, absolutely correct and most everything preceding in this thread was sanctimonious HS. We are not approaching a population tipping point, we are well past it and on the downhill slide.
We are headed for a population collapse - whether it will be retroactive birth control by starvation (as in the olden days) or by nuclear arms (people get trigger happy when they're starving) is only a matter of chance. When will it happen? That too is a matter of chance: a couple of bad crop years in breadbasket countries, and "free" countries (being defined as those holding fair elections) will be electing leaders who will make Trump the Stump look like a choir boy - and then the fun begins...
And all the uber environmentalists who perpetually whine about environmental impacts of anything someone (other than themselves) wants to do, while cranking out more mouths to feed, make me want to laugh.