08-14-2016, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by pahoated
What bugs me about TMT is what does it do for me, as a resident of this island? So far, it has done diddly-squat positively and truckloads negatively.
I'm going to ignore your repeated demonstration of confusion over astronomy and just comment about how the TMT helps you.
Since they started construction (even after it was halted again) the TMT has been pouring money into the education funds in Hawaii. In good faith they've spent over $3 million dollars without any promised benefits.
Have you noticed all the high schools that are suddenly competing in robotics competitions? Some even nationally? There are also 30 students employed now at high-tech companies around the islands. Not to mention the new scholarships given out to students in STEM fields.
What does this do for you? It reduces the number of unskilled people sitting around with nothing better to do than cause trouble or do drugs or both. It changes peoples mentality and gives hope to many more who see other, productive possibilities and things they can do with their lives. In general it reduces the number of stupid people.
It's a long term process. Things won't change overnight. But if Hawaii is going to be more than a place for rich people to spend money while everyone does their laundry and changes their sheets, then something different has to be done.
Chasing the astronomy industry away would only be a long term loss for everyone.