08-27-2016, 04:29 AM
Originally posted by terracore
My Honda was bought to replace the HD Toro you described. It lasted 2 years before it developed a problem with the fuel system. I only use ethanol free gas. I'm guessing carb but I'm no mechanic. I replaced it rather than taking it for repair because I figured the cost would probably be similar. I should have got the extended warranty. Other than the fact it doesn't start or run, it was tough as nails. Way more sturdy than this Honda. I wish there was a way to put the Honda engine on the Toro.
Too bad you didn't Google "Toro mower won't run" or something like that. The Toro/Tecumseh fuel system problem comes up - with videos of the fix - when you even Google just the model number of my Toro pusher. Requires a wrench and a wire from a twist tie to fix.
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