09-21-2016, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by terracore
So long as the matter is "in the courts" neither side should be allowed to collect or spend any money. The yearly fees should be going into an escrow account, and if there is an "emergency" situation that requires a road repair or maintenance then it should be decided by a neutral third party who is capable of hiring licensed contractors and maintaining (and making available) financial records. Oh wait... isn't that pretty much the definition of a receivership?
I love the way you are thinking, but per Steve Lyons scare tactics: "They conceived a surreptitious plan to push OLCA into receivership for short term gain and needed a dysfunctional or insolvent board to do it thru overpriced contracts on road work and repaving already paved roads."
It seems to me just what has been happening under the jokersters calling themselves the OCLA board.