10-12-2016, 07:50 AM
We agree Chunkster. Josh suggested that all these politicians receive letters. This state has a reputation of taking care of the Kupunas out of respect, not pricing them out of health insurance so that they die earlier and are not a burden on society.
Senator Josh Green emailed us today expressing his concern about the need for Medicare reform and saying it would be very helpful if we would write to the Insurance commissioner (Gordon Ito, Insurance Division P.O. Box 3614 Honolulu, Hawaii 96811) and contact his colleagues expressing the concerns about this issue as he presses them daily. We will be writing and encourage those of you affected by this Kaiser mess to do so also:
Commerce, Consumer Protection and Health Committee:
Senator Roz Baker (Chair)- senbaker@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Michelle Kidani (Vice-Chair)- senkidani@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Will Espero- senespero@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Les Ihara- senihara@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Clarence Nishihara- sennishihara@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Russell Ruderman- senruderman@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Sam Slom- senslom@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senate President- Sen. Ronald Kouchi- senkouchi@capitol.hawaii.gov
Majority Leader-Sen. J. Kalani Englist- senenglish@capitol.hawaii.gov
Majority Caucus Leader-Sen. Galuteria- sengaluteria@capitol.hawaii.gov
Majority Whip-Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz- sendelacruz@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Josh Green emailed us today expressing his concern about the need for Medicare reform and saying it would be very helpful if we would write to the Insurance commissioner (Gordon Ito, Insurance Division P.O. Box 3614 Honolulu, Hawaii 96811) and contact his colleagues expressing the concerns about this issue as he presses them daily. We will be writing and encourage those of you affected by this Kaiser mess to do so also:
Commerce, Consumer Protection and Health Committee:
Senator Roz Baker (Chair)- senbaker@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Michelle Kidani (Vice-Chair)- senkidani@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Will Espero- senespero@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Les Ihara- senihara@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Clarence Nishihara- sennishihara@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Russell Ruderman- senruderman@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senator Sam Slom- senslom@capitol.hawaii.gov
Senate President- Sen. Ronald Kouchi- senkouchi@capitol.hawaii.gov
Majority Leader-Sen. J. Kalani Englist- senenglish@capitol.hawaii.gov
Majority Caucus Leader-Sen. Galuteria- sengaluteria@capitol.hawaii.gov
Majority Whip-Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz- sendelacruz@capitol.hawaii.gov