11-06-2016, 06:06 PM
Jeez EW, I think you may have killed this thread with that last insane post. You did have one revelatory ( and honest ) moment though, in the 8th sentence when you wrote;
"...Only speculation there...". By then though you had already jumped the shark.
This "Kenoi is a criminal" is worse than the crap that plagues the national contest for President. Instead of a loony/sick "alt-right" doggedly opposed to Democrats here on the BI we have a hysterical/illogical "all-wrong" convinced that the Mayor and everyone in the County building is corrupt.
Get over it. The whole P-card hot mess was an extended disinformation process foisted on us by our local press and readily feasted on by those too ready to assume the worst and some others incapable of critical reading. Damage done. Let it go.
I'll "speculate" that before too long the County will long for the relatively efficient and competent Kenoi administration. I remember when Steve Yamashiro was reviled as Mayor, in hindsight he did a helluva job. Harry was carried in on a wave of name recognition but accomplished little and squandered the resources Steve delivered to him. Billy was first loved, which he then lost , then eventually loathed by some. I think though that time will treat him more kindly than the other two.
"...Only speculation there...". By then though you had already jumped the shark.
This "Kenoi is a criminal" is worse than the crap that plagues the national contest for President. Instead of a loony/sick "alt-right" doggedly opposed to Democrats here on the BI we have a hysterical/illogical "all-wrong" convinced that the Mayor and everyone in the County building is corrupt.
Get over it. The whole P-card hot mess was an extended disinformation process foisted on us by our local press and readily feasted on by those too ready to assume the worst and some others incapable of critical reading. Damage done. Let it go.
I'll "speculate" that before too long the County will long for the relatively efficient and competent Kenoi administration. I remember when Steve Yamashiro was reviled as Mayor, in hindsight he did a helluva job. Harry was carried in on a wave of name recognition but accomplished little and squandered the resources Steve delivered to him. Billy was first loved, which he then lost , then eventually loathed by some. I think though that time will treat him more kindly than the other two.