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suspicious Hilo Medical Center billing problems
Originally posted by randomq

Most medical purchases are made under duress, with no competition, no negotiation, and no guarantees whatsoever. You have better consumer protections from your cellphone company than you do from your doctor. But be sure to shop around and get pre-approval when you are having a heart attack, or your insurance company won't cover you either.

My Hanai son was working in Mexico when his wife had their first child, they had good insurance but wanted to use a private clinic instead of the public hospital. Every place they checked out gave them a "menu" with all the prices for each person and procedure: doctors, nurses, private room, delivery room, nursery, and so on were all listed with very reasonable set prices. His employer paid insurance covered 80% of all of the costs and there were no expensive surprises.

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RE: suspicious Hilo Medical Center billing problems - by shockwave rider - 11-23-2016, 08:00 AM

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