01-05-2017, 04:57 AM
JDO I feel I am just stating facts here and feel fortunate to do so. Could I sugar coat it ... sure but honestly, we have been drug through the mud by the board that is the topic of discussion here and why protect them? My road is a disaster and has been for over a year. I've seen the inferior chip seal and see the money pit that has been created by it. I have witnessed to many bilaws and state statutes broken over the last 2.5 years to list here and heard board members call out publicly those members who they want to embarrass and/or intimidate. Sorry if you find it degrading, just facts. Jo has manipulated everyone and everything she has touched. The GM is useless and the rest of the board is impotent. Things are not improving one bit. The board is being manipulated and if you don't believe me... well just go to our website and take a read of current sneaky doings by the few. I ran across it unintentionally while looking at something else. Open your eyes HPP. The leader of the pack has a tight grip and it is only getting tighter.