01-12-2017, 05:11 AM
quote:Solid advice, Carey. Next time that's what I will do.
Originally posted by Carey
SO what to do if you find an injured animal & would keep it if the owner is not found??
Take it to the vet, inform the Humane Society & every conceivable venue you have found this animal, & PAY FOR THE VET CARE!!!
If no one comes forward & there is no active chip, the animal will be your pet for life & you will have single handedly saved it`s life... Oh & when it is healthy, make sure it is fixed!
Edit: Or not. The problem is, I can't realistically take in every stray I encounter... there are WAY too many here. In practice, my new approach will likely be to shoo away the stray. That's kind of messed up, but that's where we are.