01-13-2017, 03:31 AM
If it can't be made or cultivated on our property then we probably don't have it and that is less due to purism and more to budgetary constraints. We do have pretty abundant mycellium colonies growing on smaller cut ends of dead wood, here in our neck of the forest. But they are likely as stressed out as everything else from the volcanic output and other atmospheric anomalies (ie: Beijing, Fukushima, nuclear missile testing, jet stream chaos, etc, etc....) It was explained to me that Ohia filter micronutrients from the air blown in on winds from the Gobi desert in China which is how they are able to colonize barren lava rock. So thinking about that toxic gas cloud Beijing passes off as air feeding our trees, coupled with Madame Pele's 1/3 of a century of land growing efforts....is it any wonder that ROD is happening now? Let us know how it works SW! Thanks.
from www.forestry.gov.uk
"Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are intimately associated with most temperate tree species and have demonstrated important and rapid shifts in species composition and abundance in response to a range of environmental stresses (e.g. droughts, eutrophication and/or acidification of forest soils).
from www.forestry.gov.uk
"Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are intimately associated with most temperate tree species and have demonstrated important and rapid shifts in species composition and abundance in response to a range of environmental stresses (e.g. droughts, eutrophication and/or acidification of forest soils).