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Sat. Jan. 21 - Womens March in Hilo
Originally posted by Lopaka
Pitting one group against another is a favorite tactic of the ruling elite, and snowflakes like this group blindly follow suit with feel-good, do-nothing activites like this.

How come I never see women marching to demand an end to alimony???

Thank you for illustrating my point. I would like to think this is a sarcastic joke, but I know that your regurgitation of the President's rhetoric is serious. It is also unamerican and unpatriotic to sew divisions among fellow countrymen. You don't know me and you don't know anything about me, yet you lash out with this brainwashed rhetoric. As Trump would say, "Sad!"

Will this protest matter to the new administration? No. Will it directly change things? No. It will however send a message to the world and indeed the world is joining in against the idea that someone who brags about assaulting women and berates them does not represent the views we wish to be expressed in our country. It will also encourage those minority groups like women, Muslims, disabled people who have been under attack with political rhetoric to know they are not alone and we will stand together.

As for your weird attack about alimony, women don't protest it because it isn't gender specific. Many men also receive alimony payments.

Messages In This Thread
Sat. Jan. 21 - Womens March in Hilo - by Eric1600 - 01-18-2017, 04:14 PM
RE: Sat. Jan. 21 - Womens March in Hilo - by Guest - 01-20-2017, 05:50 AM
RE: Sat. Jan. 21 - Womens March in Hilo - by Eric1600 - 01-21-2017, 03:06 AM
RE: Sat. Jan. 21 - Womens March in Hilo - by dmbwest - 01-22-2017, 11:26 AM

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