01-23-2017, 07:58 PM
Hi TomK, I'm the first to admit I'm on a fishing expedition for big game fish using a string on a stick, however , I did locate an article from Cornell Chronicle titled
"UVB Light Zaps Cucumber Disease", editted it into initial posting (noted the edit) but it would not open through this browser. Here is a quote from that article providing some evidence of UVB fungicidal qualities:
"UV-B radiation is found in sunlight and damages the DNA and proteins in living cells in plants and fungi. The transparent powdery mildew fungus, with no pigment to block UV light, is especially vulnerable, Gadoury said.
The researchers infected cucumber plants with powdery mildew and applied UV-B for short spurts of five, 10 and 15 minutes. They found that UV-B exposure reduced cucumber powdery mildew infection from about 90 percent of leaf area to about 5 percent, and also reduced the formation of spores."
Since the UVB is in the spectrum of 290nm to 320nm and you told me ozone opacity is relevant at 290nm and lower, I thought I'd cleared myself from looking like too much of a fool. But that's a willing sacrifice. Ash efficacy in regards to treating ROD has me willing to scrap it out, even if clumsily. Any help greatly appreciated. Much of the extraterrestrial is completely above my head unless I can put it in context of something I do understand. This is why your reference to ozone opacity helped me to better understand the issue of UV wavelengths and how they effect terrestrial systems. Now that pushes the issue of "systemic" even further out, does it not?
"UVB Light Zaps Cucumber Disease", editted it into initial posting (noted the edit) but it would not open through this browser. Here is a quote from that article providing some evidence of UVB fungicidal qualities:
"UV-B radiation is found in sunlight and damages the DNA and proteins in living cells in plants and fungi. The transparent powdery mildew fungus, with no pigment to block UV light, is especially vulnerable, Gadoury said.
The researchers infected cucumber plants with powdery mildew and applied UV-B for short spurts of five, 10 and 15 minutes. They found that UV-B exposure reduced cucumber powdery mildew infection from about 90 percent of leaf area to about 5 percent, and also reduced the formation of spores."
Since the UVB is in the spectrum of 290nm to 320nm and you told me ozone opacity is relevant at 290nm and lower, I thought I'd cleared myself from looking like too much of a fool. But that's a willing sacrifice. Ash efficacy in regards to treating ROD has me willing to scrap it out, even if clumsily. Any help greatly appreciated. Much of the extraterrestrial is completely above my head unless I can put it in context of something I do understand. This is why your reference to ozone opacity helped me to better understand the issue of UV wavelengths and how they effect terrestrial systems. Now that pushes the issue of "systemic" even further out, does it not?