05-12-2006, 12:25 AM
If anything surprises me most about what I have read in this thread is the apparent acceptance of this problem and the complete lack of law enforcements willingness to do anything but document the event so the victim can file appropriately for insurance purposes (if they can afford insurance). Further, it seems that those who have been on island the longest (locals and transplants) appear the most accepting of these behaviors.
It appears that some have assumed a physiological posture that we should expect that if we cannot defend our homes and property through the use of force 24 hours a day, then expect it not to be there when you get home. That is absolutely absurd and unacceptable!!!!!!!!!!!
This is not a quaint local custom that we must adapt to. Nor is it something we should accept because ICE is such a problem or that unemployment is so high in Hawaii. These problems exist across this nation and around the world and when the right social pressures and responsible enforcement is consistently implemented these problems are the exception not the norm.
We pay taxes and oh by the way they have gone up allot. These tax supported services at a minimum should reflect that law enforcement MUST be willing and ABLE to protect the public and their property. If they cannot, then we see things like what happened after Katrina when all societal structures broke down and people reverted to primal behaviors. You don't realize how close you are to that same situation if society and law enforcement condones or accepts this level of personal violation.
I agree that there is an efficiently orchestrated network of these criminals that support each other. They are also usually repeat offenders well known in the law enforcement community. From the moment you give them your credit card at the store to the time the materials or goods are delivered to your residence, they have already shared the inventory of items, delivery time/dates, and perhaps even your credit card number within their network. Also understand that someone in your neighborhood is also perpetuating this behavior by purchasing all these stolen materials from these criminals. They know they are buying stolen goods and don't care who and how much it hurts them. These folks are the REAL problem because they create the demand; the crooks are the supply chain. They all get a piece of the pie so they all keep quiet and keep doing it, business as usual. These buyers are the first tier of enabler for this problem and should be the ones penalized the most.
Even families who have loved ones addicted to ICE turn their heads the other way and ignore these activities. They are the second tier enablers. They know it is going on and no one reports anything so what kind of neighbors are they really? This avoidance of the problem does not help their loved ones nor does it make our neighborhoods safer.
This is where community involvement and neighbors protecting neighbors really is the key but without serious and aggressive support, involvement, and action by law enforcement the situation will persist. Bad news is the criminals know this and they will continue to capitalize on the dysfunctional capacities of society, social, and law enforcements unwillingness to responsibly act.
Please excuse the obvious frustration, perhaps, the county should issue in addition to building permits the right to carry concealed weapons during the building process. If this was well publicized I bet the rate would plummet!
Will Peratino
Will Peratino