02-03-2017, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by punaticbychoice
HOTPE @ 20:26:33- "Kealoha 'Doesn't sound like a benefit if I can't understand it' "
A big yup on that.
And want to remain ignorant.
What I get from these hearings is that ignorance is more valued than knowledge and understanding.
There's been numerous instances where Kealoha has expressed a desire not to know because it doesn't help her daily life. It's a very Maoist approach to the world.
The irony is, backward looking is a part of the astronomy paradox, in that the farther out into space we look the further back in time we are looking, so making bigger telescopes to see farther in time, means we are moving farther and farther away from modern relevancy, actually. -- http://kahea.org/blog/mk-vignette-kealoha-pisciotta