05-12-2006, 09:12 AM
We also have indoor lights that go on with a timer and an outdoor motion detertor light. Plus, we try to keep a car there to give the impression that someone is there. plus we drive by all the time. and do the cops and the hui security.
As for the police, when we had the lumber taken, we asked around. And all the neighbors knew who took it. There's this "drug house" two blocks down and the people who live there are known burlars. Our framers even saw a new big piece of plywood there, just like the one that was stolen from us the night before. The police did nothing. Not that that is evidence, but enough for a search warrent, no? Then again, we have a different cop on our case now and from what I hear, he's awesome. Guess he's not related to anyone in the drug house.
As for the police, when we had the lumber taken, we asked around. And all the neighbors knew who took it. There's this "drug house" two blocks down and the people who live there are known burlars. Our framers even saw a new big piece of plywood there, just like the one that was stolen from us the night before. The police did nothing. Not that that is evidence, but enough for a search warrent, no? Then again, we have a different cop on our case now and from what I hear, he's awesome. Guess he's not related to anyone in the drug house.