05-12-2006, 04:25 PM
DeStef I feel so bad for you. Hope the few bad apples don't ruin your whole perception of Hawai'i or the many MANY people who would sooner give you their stuff than take yours. Sadly we are building our house with a "Build like you are in San Juan, Costa Rica or anytown Mexico" mentality. Reinforced doors, ACE laminates on all of the windows and of course overt and covert security (would it be against the law to put out bear traps on my land as long as there are ample do not enter signs?) Just a thought. We had a friend who asked their neighbor of over two decades to keep an eye out for his place while he went on a little trip. The neighbor did notice a truck in the driveway "around midnight one night," but thought it was a 'friend' over to get something from the carport. Common sense does NOT dictate!! He didn't call the cops or anything, just went back to bed. I've heard of a lot of people who would let people live in their house or on the property for free just to have a warm body on the premises. Maybe you could find a trustworthy soul who has minimul comfort needs and would be willing to rough it for a free place to crash. I've heard that if you ever shot anybody here, you better drag them inside the house otherwise YOU will be going away for a very long time. Awful to know the criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens but that's how it is here in paradise. Just ask the abused and neglected children how fair the system is. Best of luck to you and I hope your houses sell soon.
Edited by - pam jones on 05/12/2006 20:39:39
Edited by - pam jones on 05/12/2006 20:39:39