02-25-2017, 10:25 AM
Primal, Reread article:
"The global geoengineering/weather modification/chemtrail programs have likely been going on for over six decades. Recently found documents from the NASA archives indicate that these programs already had budgets into the hundreds of millions of dollars even by the mid 1960's."
"Aluminum is the primary element named in numerous geoengineering patents. The same patents that describe dispersing this aluminum from jets for the expressed purpose of blocking the sun which is exactly what we see aircraft "trails" doing in our skies day in and day out, creating artificial cloud cover and haze which blocks direct sunlight. It is important to remember this contamination is not local, but global in scope.... Snow tests taken from the side of Mt. Shasta showed aluminum content as high as 61,000 PPB. (parts per billion). This level of aluminum in the snow is tens of thousands of times anything that might be considered "normal background" contamination."
"The disruption in the hydrological cycle can also cause record rainfall (as well as respective drought) as rain which was kept from falling in one location migrates elsewhere to come down in a deluge. The conditions described above are known consequences of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) and solar radiation management (SRM) ."
"Wind current pattern changes in turn trigger ocean current changes. Most are completely unaware of the wind and ocean current changes occurring around the globe. Even fewer are aware of the ramifications which are already unfolding from these changes. Ocean current changes are already delivering warmer waters to regions with vast undersea methane deposits. These deposits are known as "methane hydrate" deposits and literally hold life on earth in the balance. Many regions around the globe are beginning to expel methane from hydrate and clathrate deposits. The East Siberian Shelf of the Arctic is already releasing en masse. All available data indicates that this event alone is changing our biosphere by the day."
These aren't even the scariest highlights of this guys data and he has several links in his article to follow the info trail. I saw a sky yesterday that looked almost identical to the one he presented which is why I posted to this link re: no rain/deluge. Read the whole article and follow his links. Yikes.
"The global geoengineering/weather modification/chemtrail programs have likely been going on for over six decades. Recently found documents from the NASA archives indicate that these programs already had budgets into the hundreds of millions of dollars even by the mid 1960's."
"Aluminum is the primary element named in numerous geoengineering patents. The same patents that describe dispersing this aluminum from jets for the expressed purpose of blocking the sun which is exactly what we see aircraft "trails" doing in our skies day in and day out, creating artificial cloud cover and haze which blocks direct sunlight. It is important to remember this contamination is not local, but global in scope.... Snow tests taken from the side of Mt. Shasta showed aluminum content as high as 61,000 PPB. (parts per billion). This level of aluminum in the snow is tens of thousands of times anything that might be considered "normal background" contamination."
"The disruption in the hydrological cycle can also cause record rainfall (as well as respective drought) as rain which was kept from falling in one location migrates elsewhere to come down in a deluge. The conditions described above are known consequences of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) and solar radiation management (SRM) ."
"Wind current pattern changes in turn trigger ocean current changes. Most are completely unaware of the wind and ocean current changes occurring around the globe. Even fewer are aware of the ramifications which are already unfolding from these changes. Ocean current changes are already delivering warmer waters to regions with vast undersea methane deposits. These deposits are known as "methane hydrate" deposits and literally hold life on earth in the balance. Many regions around the globe are beginning to expel methane from hydrate and clathrate deposits. The East Siberian Shelf of the Arctic is already releasing en masse. All available data indicates that this event alone is changing our biosphere by the day."
These aren't even the scariest highlights of this guys data and he has several links in his article to follow the info trail. I saw a sky yesterday that looked almost identical to the one he presented which is why I posted to this link re: no rain/deluge. Read the whole article and follow his links. Yikes.