03-01-2017, 03:48 AM
I checked out the chip seal 23rd yesterday, and while I'm no pavement expert, it appeared to be a poor paving job. There were five potholes, two of which are big enough to damage cars. What might be worse than the potholes is what appears to be an extended strip of weak or thin pavement about two feet in from the makai edge of the road. I initially thought it to be wear where the passenger side tires of Shower bound traffic would go, but the lack of a corresponding strip for the other tire makes me believe the paving material was not applied evenly in the first place. Even if it is wear, it shouldn't be that bad this soon. Oddly, the larger potholes were on the mauka side of the road where I didn't see a weak strip. Bottom line for me is that it looks shoddy and is showing too much deterioration for a project that recent.