03-03-2017, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by ohiagrrl
I didn't realize they had finished, it looked pretty far from done last month. Like I said, they didn't budget that for Costco shoppers. If it isn't TMT it's Pahakaloa funding it, but my money's on TMT. I thought you were a proponent, why isn't that good news to you? Cheers.
As a point of information, Federal Highway funds are paying for the improvements currently underway to the Saddle Road (http://hawaiitribune-herald.com/news/loc...de-stretch)- not TMT or PTA. The section being improved has been one of the most dangerous stretches of road in the State - I have personally encountered several accidents on that section of road and, when I regularly traveled it, saw evidence of new accidents on at least a weekly basis. That highway makes it possible for workers from the East side of the island to be employed on the west side and represents a major economic benefit for underemployed East Hawaii residents.
I try, possibly not always successfully, to keep in mind a useful adage: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than say something that removes all doubt."