03-09-2017, 03:57 AM
quote:If you oppose the attempts to protect America from Terror attacks, you do not deserve taxpayer-funded largesse.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
I am amazed how people of such low information, ... would second-guess those who not only have infinitely-more information available to them
Would those people with infinitely more information by any chance be the same people who wrote the first Muslim Ban? Which was found unconstitutional by the courts? Hawaii was also a part of that filing, and as they won, it would seem they had more knowledge of the Constitution and the law than you give them credit for.
By your logic, only the "winners" should get federal funding, so after this next challenge I look forward to Hawaii and other states that join them receiving a big, big federal funding increase.
You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
Do you not understand the implications of "Convert or Die"? Do you even know what dhimmitude is? Do you not even know that in Islam, only the Martyr,s and those who Immigrate to take over other nations, in the name of Allah can go to paradise upon death, while everyone else must wait until the entire world is Islamic? Does your ignorance run so deep? Obviously, it does.
I have been involved in the war against terror even before 911, before DHS. You know nothing - absolutely nothing. Your "leaders" know nothing, absolutely nothing.
Humanity is up against the greatest threat to civilization ever, and has been for over 1,000 years. It is coming to a head in our time. It came to a head previously in 1095 and Urban II did what you seem not to have the courage, or brains, to do. You won't even recognize the threat, much less take action, or even let your betters take action. There will be a price paid for such "head-in-the-sand" inaction.